Monday, June 11, 2012


The writing continues.  I finished my short story, I think.  I might need to review it one more  time but at 1300 words, I think it actually stands up fairly well.  And, No, I can't post it.  Since it has to be unpublished at the time of submission, I don't want to take the chance on a blog counting.  But I will post it once the contest is over.  Now onto editing and revising White Guardian.  Today was not the day, just a little too much to do at work but hopefully tomorrow, I'll be able to make a start.  I think some of the pause was me trying to decide what to hack and slash and what to keep.  I am definitely cutting the first chapter entirely, although some pieces of it might make their way back into to other parts of the story.  I will begin with the second chapter and just preface with a couple snippets from the first chapter.  I'll see if that works the way I want it to.  Good luck with your endeavors, my friends and farewell to another night.

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