Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Wow, it has been a while, hasn't it?  Life slammed me with some big stuff and some busy stuff.  We moved in May, well, officially but it got dragged out until the end of June.  That was when we turned in our keys to the old place.  In between, we had Phx Comicon which was a blast, hanging with friends and getting to see Captain Jack.  Wicked fun!  Then I went to Arizona Dreamin' which was equally cool and again, got to hang out with friends.
Then the summer cold hit and me and the hubby were down with that for a couple weeks.  Just when we recovered from that and during it, we had family stresses with the boy.  The boy is my husband's stepson and I won't go into to detail aside from stating that it was stressful and he lives with us. 

Right after that, punch, punch, punch goes life.  My husband was very sick and in the hospital with a gastrointestinal bleed caused by an ulcer in his intestines.  As he jokes, he felt like the Dread Pirate Roberts, only mostly dead.  He got 5 units of blood pumped into him and is mostly back to normal.  All his tests for his checkup came back good and he just needs to take his protonix, watch what he eats, no ibuprofen, and go see the doc in September. 

In the meantime, I have been writing but only little bits and mostly to keep my hand in.  I've been doing more revisions and critiquing for my writing partner and plotting the next novel, a sequel to my Shadow's Bane.  I hope to begin that by the end of July.

So there, all caught up and hopefully, no more drama for a while.  We get to enjoy some summer fun which I will talk about at the end of July and otherwise, we are staying out of trouble.  Have a good one, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. got it wrong as usual. I said I was doing a really good Dread Pirate Roberts impression! I was "Mostly Dead". What else would you call missing 2/3 of your hemoglobins?
